Its all about the Community
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Community Focus
As promised, we wanted to share some of our games with you.
We get such a buzz!!!.. when we see players gaming and watching players really enjoy themselves.
There is nothing quit like brining the community together to enjoy the game. Photo dump time!

There are so many awesome stories in these photos.. and I want to be part of so many more of them !!
You guys are awesome.
10th Edition Approaches

There is going to be some rules to get used to .. Of course! but there’s so many new ways we can play to explore, and new rules to interact with to enjoy !
I genuinely cant wait.. (I’ve been building up my Sisters and Necrons in preparation)
Talking of preparation, we are hosting an event in July with the 10th Edition rules. We know the release date hasn’t been announced yet, but we are fairly certain it will be in June (Probably the 24th) ..
So if you haven’t got yourself any events booked in for 10th, you can get started with the Clumsy Orc event on the 22nd and 23rd of July, plenty of time!
Loads of prizes will be up for grabs, including best painted and best sports, and Lunch is included in the ticket price!!
And we can make more gaming memories, and get some more awesome photos 🙂