About Us

Meet the Team

Since joining the studio, I’ve learnt a lot about the gaming aspect of the hobby. I’m enjoying learning about 40k and all of the different factions the game has to offer. I take great pleasure in the painting side of the hobby and creating a mini world on bases, which I absolutely love! Most Played Faction: Aeldari


Account Manager

I started playing back in 3rd edition of Warhammer Fantasy and played all the Games Workshop games from Battlefleet Gothic, Warhammer Epic, to even Warhammer Quest! I'm a huge fan of the 40k universe game and lore, but mainly get a kick out of showing others how to play 🙂 Coaching Factions: Space Wolves, Space Marines, Orks & Thousand Sons.


Coach & Artist

Since my early teens I have been a Warhammer Fantasy gamer. I transitioned to Age of Sigmar due to my emotional attachment to the fantasy models range. I then converted to 40K at the back end of 8th edition, and have LOVED 9th edition ever since release! Coaching Factions: Tyranids, Blood Angels, Chaos Space Marines & Genestealer Cults.


Coach & Event Organizer

I started playing 40k back in 5th edition for about a year, took a big break, then picked it back up when 9th edition came out. I quickly accumulated over 10,000 pts in a year and have loved painting every single model! I enjoy playing both competitively and casually. My main factions are Necrons and Genestealer Cults.... for now!



I joined the hobby back in 40K 3rd edition. I have since also dabbled in Warhammer Fantasy. Love reading the background stories and painting all things Warhammer. Just dived in to 30k! For the Lion!

Andrew 'Elf'


Clumsy Orc Studios © 2022

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